20 Free CorelDRAW Tutorials On Vector Design Techniques

Vectors can be found all over the web.

They have always been used for graphic design and logos, but are much more commonplace with modern web techniques like responsive design. And there’s plenty of great vector software to work with: most notably Adobe Illustrator.

Yet one that’s often overlooked is CorelDRAW. This program can be a lot cheaper than Adobe’s suite and it gives you a mix of graphics editing along with full vector support.
Learning the CorelDRAW interface can be a challenge. But with these free tutorials you’ll have no trouble picking up the software and moving fast.

Just note: these are all video tutorials on YouTube so they’re best consumed alongside the software itself. Many designers learn better from visuals and that’s why I specifically organized this list with just videos and no written guides.

1. Beginner’s Intro

Coreldraw beginner
What kind of list would this be without a full beginner intro to the software?
Have a look at this video totaling just over 15 minutes long introducing the entire software package. You can learn CorelDRAW by tinkering around on your own. But why not have a little support along the way?
This is perhaps one of the most popular tutorials on the software totaling well over 1.3 million views as of this writing.
And it’s published on one of the best YouTube channels for digital design tutorials. Check it out if you want a whole slew of design content ranging beyond Corel software.

2. CorelDRAW for Absolute Beginners

Basic Shapes Coreldraw
Here’s a much longer video alternative to the intro above, and I’d say this one actually goes into much greater depth.
However with this video you’ll be sitting down watching for over an hour. Not everyone has that kinda time to learn CorelDRAW.
With that said, the video is simply incredible.
You really will learn all of the fundamentals of this program along with the major tools and interface elements. I’d argue the instructions are clearer than the previous video and would best suit complete newbies.
Just keep in mind this is really long so it may not be worth studying all in one sitting.
But if you want a real deep dive try watching both videos and spend an afternoon working through the CorelDRAW basics.

3. Laurel Wreath Logo

Crown Laurel logo
When you’re trying to learn a new program the absolute best way to learn is by just tackling projects.
But if you’ve never done anything before then you probably don’t have project ideas to work with. No worries friend, this tutorial has you covered with a really cool wreath logo guide.
It’s a pretty short video wrapping up around the 10 minute mark. This means you can work pretty fast even if you pause along the way to replicate the video on your own.
One minor problem here is the lack of voiceover content. This tutorial is not a guided lesson so you’re just watching someone perform steps on the screen with some music in the background.
Some designers are comfortable following along since it’s super easy to pick up the pace. But if you want more guided lessons then keep reading, they’re coming up.

4. Label Design Tut

Label Design Tuts
Here’s yet another video with some BG music and a really simple non-guided tutorial.
Looking through this 8-minute guide I have to say, I really don’t miss having a voiceover. I can see why it’d be useful but if you just watch the screen you can easily replicate this effect.
Plus this video supports full 720p so jack up the quality to HD and watch every precise move in widescreen. Then replicate it on your own for a clean walkthrough. Easy peasy!

5. Mesh Fill Tool Guide

Mehs Filltool
CorelDRAW has a lot of powerful tools, some of which you can find in Illustrator but some are exclusive to the Corel suite.
The mesh fill tool is certainly a more “advanced” feature, but it’s also one of the most popular options.
That’s why I want to share two tutorials here: one from YouTube and another as a written article.
For a video guide I like this one totaling just over 40 minutes long. It’s pretty detailed on the mesh fill tool and it runs at normal speed so you aren’t trying to keep up with a 2x or 3x video.
If you’re more into written content then read through this guide on TutsPlus. It’s a lengthy tutorial covering all the basic steps you should follow to master this unique tool.

6. Custom Lettering Effects

Custom Lettering
You may be surprised to learn that CorelDRAW actually has their own channel with a few tutorials and introductory guides covering new software updates.
This channel is exclusive just to their DRAW software so it doesn’t feature any other Corel programs. Which means you know exactly what to expect from their content.
For a specific recommendation have a look at this tutorial to get a sense of their quality.
In my opinion this content is really clean and super detailed. The biggest problem to me is the audio voiceover: it’s just too quiet. You have to really turn up your volume to just barely hear what the tutor is saying.
Still, for an official Corel video guide this one is well worth adding into your watch list.

7. Sticker Text Effect

Sticker texteffect
A related YouTube channel CorelMaster also features a bunch of high-quality tutorial videos.
These are not exclusively endorsed by Corel but they do cover a huge range of Corel content, all of which deserves some attention from budding designers.
In regards to CorelDRAW I specifically recommend this video on designing a sticker text effect with the software. It totals just over 18 minutes long and the end result is pretty darn impressive.
Along the way you’ll learn how to create repeating patterns, how to emboss text, and how to design text vector elements that can easily be resized without losing the work you’ve done.

8. Neon Sign

Neon Green Text
Many logo designers use CorelDRAW for custom text effects and mascots. That’s why you’ll find so many typographic tutorials in this list.
But many of these techniques can apply to all graphics which makes them well worth following.
Much like this 7-minute video guiding you through the process of designing a neon text sign.
This should feel incredibly simple to follow even if you’re a total beginner. Not to mention the tools you’ll use to create the glowing effect will apply to so many other projects.
I wouldn’t say that there’s many places where neon text fits perfectly. Yet if you could learn a few new techniques from this process I’d say it’s well worth the time.

9. 3D Logo

3D Logo tut
Ah, 3D design. One of the most complicated styles to pull off as a beginner.
Have a look into this tutorial if you’re itching to craft a perfect 3D letter effect. The final piece actually looks pretty darn good and it’s a surprisingly gentle intro to 3D work in CorelDRAW.
Totaling just over 20 minutes long, this is a fairly lengthy tutorial so you’ll be at it for a little while.
But the end result is a much better understanding of how 3D works in the software and what you can use it for.

10. Realistic 3D Bottle

Realistic 3D Bottle
You may think of CorelDRAW as just as vector suite for creating icons and text effects. But it can also render full objects as 3D designs too.
Take for example this video showing you how to design realistic 3D bottles from scratch.
These could be used in a promotional flyer or a banner ad. Or these graphics could be useful as a presentation tool when showing off a brand redesign.
If you know how to design a bottle then you can learn to design almost any 3D shape with a little practice. That’s the true value of this tutorial.

11. Biscuit Wrapper

Biscuit Wrapper
In a similar style as the tutorial above we also have this one teaching you to design a branded cookie biscuit wrapper.
People don’t often think about who designs their cereal boxes, snack wrappers, and similar food containers. But most of those designs are created as vectors to be scaled and printed on many different materials.
This free design tutorial is incredibly powerful and will help improve your overall knowledge of CorelDRAW.
You can apply many similar lessons into Adobe Illustrator and even use this technique to create a portfolio piece to show off your branding skills.

12. Print Flyer Design

Print burger flyer
Some designers argue that print is dead. Others say it’s still going strong.
Regardless of your stance I’d still argue that print design will be around in various forms for decades. So learning to work with print content is a must if you’re getting into graphic design.
With this simple tutorial you can learn how to design a burger flyer in just 6 minutes with CorelDRAW.
The final project looks great and it’s surprisingly easy to pick up. Just know that it’s not really the most practical tutorial when it comes to digital work, so use this more to supplement your CorelDRAW knowledge.

13. Creating A Cupcake Label

Cupcake label tutorial
Another awesome food design tutorial with a small branding/identity twist.
With this 8-minute tutorial you can quickly learn how to design a realistic cupcake brand from scratch. This includes an icon, some ribbons, and some neat text effects all merged together.
The concept of brand identity is not new. But it has only recently become more mainstream among digital designers working on the web and on tech projects.
If you can develop a solid understanding of UI, branding, and general graphics work, you’ll be a powerhouse in the design space with project work lined up for months.

14. Vector Tut

Vector drawing tut
It is actually possible to create drawings with CorelDRAW. Granted the software is not the best for artists: for that I’d more recommend Corel Painter.
But it’s still much easier to create scalable vector drawings if you’re using CorelDRAW.
So that’s exactly what this video teaches in a total of 20 minutes. You’ll learn how to trace and draw a full vector woman from scratch with just the tools found in this software.
Note it does help if you have a little bit of an artistic background before tackling this. Certainly not required but it’s a little different than other basic design tuts.

15. Bottle-Shaped Text

Bottle shaped text
Here’s a tutorial that really shows off the tools in this software, rather than creating a practical end result.
You may find yourself looking to match text into a shape since that’s a very common technique. Thankfully what you’ll learn in this guide has everything you’ll need to replicate this for all design projects.
And this is one of the many tutorials that has no voice over guide, only music and some on-screen instructions. But since this is only 10 minutes long I don’t think it’s impossible to follow.
All of the commands are easily visible on screen and you could even try doing a split window effect to watch and follow along with ease.

16. Coffee House Logo

Coffee logo tut
Now here’s a much more practical tutorial on logo design.
Specifically a logo design for a coffee house or cafe. Seems pretty cliché, but it definitely works.
In this video you’ll follow along creating a complete coffee house logo with a bean graphic and some warped ribbons. The final effect could apply to pretty much any business and it’s absolutely stunning from a designer’s standpoint.

17. Modern Logo Design

Modern logo design
To get a little more technical and modern we have this logo design tutorial for CorelDRAW.
It focuses a lot more on shapes and custom text effects to create a very unique branding that jumps off the page. Everything is designed using vectors so it can scale larger or smaller without any quality loss.
One thing to note is that this uses a lot of anchor points and direction changes with the pen tool when drawing & editing line segments.
This means you’ll want to gain some familiarity with the pen tool before attempting the final design.

18. Basic Line Art

Dark lineart tut
Here’s one more artsy-styled tutorial for all you natural artists.
Specifically this is a custom line art video tutorial and it goes pretty in-depth with the content. You’ll learn how to trace a drawing and create your own line art from scratch. Not to mention the final piece which looks incredible for a vector object.
It’s a fairly long video with just over 17 minutes of content. And there’s no voice over so you’ll have to follow along from the screen to copy the same techniques on your own.
Still a fun guide to learning digital art and vector design in this design software.

19. BMW Logo Design

bmw logo design
Working with copyrighted logos can be tough on final projects. But with a simple practice project it’s a lot more fun to design around well-known brands.
Have a look at this video which teaches you how to design a full BMW logo plate from scratch.
This not only has you design the logo in CorelDRAW, but also teaches you how to create scalable gradients that fit the logo perfectly.
You could probably take these techniques and apply them to any other large brand with a simple logo such as McDonald’s or Amazon.

20. Tracing A Logo

coreldraw tutorial
And nearing the end of the list we come to this fairly technical tutorial on how to design and trace a custom logo.

The final result looks like a tech company’s logo or something that you’d find on a consulting firm’s website. It’s geometrically complex yet it still catches the eye.
If you’re somewhat comfortable working with shapes in Corel then this tutorial will take your skills up a notch.

But really all of these videos are worth checking out if you’re interested in learning and mastering the CorelDRAW software.
